Saturday 14 June 2008

Just a quickie...

Still alive, but internet access is so rare and slow (and Turkmenistan seemed to block Blogger) beyond the Caspian sea I haven't really had a chance to update this.

Currently on our last 2 days of 12 in Uzbekistan - great place with a great guide who's shown us all the sights - ancient cities, mosques, mausoleums etc. as well as a nightclub or two, still recovering from last nights one.

The truck has to transit through Tajikistan tomorrow whilst we go up over a mountain pass in taxis as apparently it's safer that way... wish me luck!

Bush camping quite a bit in Kygydfgjdshgjkshgksjhdg-stan so proably won't be able to update this for another week or so, Bishkek apparently has fast internet (but then here was supposed to as well) so might get some photos on then, taken about 3500 so far so there's a couple of good ones to show.

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