Monday, 26 May 2008

Another brief update

Currently in Baku, Azerbaijan after spending the night camping out in a desert-y place with mud volcanoes gently bubbling around us. Now staying in a hotel for a night or two whilst the crew try to get us and the truck onto an old oil tanker/ferry across the Caspian sea - apparently they can't take oil and people so we have to hire out the whole thing for ourselves. Hoping the weather's good so we can sleep up on deck and watch the stars...

Baku is where all the oil stuff happens, coming in this morning there's oil rigs in the sea, derricks(why's everyone round here called Derrick?) pumping pretty much everywhere and a big mess inbetween. Apparently it's one of the most polluted places in the world - lovely! Baku seems quite nice though, quite upmarket as there's so much oil money around so lots of shops and restaurants to look round from our brief wander earlier (we were looking for a laundry as everything's getting a bit whiffy!).

Have spent the last 4 nights bush camping in various places, all of them fantastic in their own ways. Had one hot night by a river so spent a while swimming, whilst another one was further up in the hills.

We were quite sorry to say goodbye to Tamuna and Zaza our guides in Georgia - it's a fantastic place and they really helped us to make the most of it. Haven't got time to detail everything now so I'll try to put a post together about that sometime, but it was great, the people were so friendly and hospitable I really couldn't believe it and the scenery was incredible. Good wine too, and Vodka at less than 2 quid a bottle!

Will try to update photos and things at our next stop, the internet is so slow here it's not going to work.

Those of you not on Facebook can see my albums so far here:


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