Friday, 25 April 2008

Probably the most inaccurate blog ever

Having actually looked at the route we followed yesterday, it turns out that I'm now in Sigasori - spelling probably also wrong - , Romania, not Hungary as previously posted. Also we went through Slovakia, not Slovenia - which idiot names two countries so similarly?

Early start yesterday, left about 8 and spent the whole day on the road. Arrived about 10 in the evening at the hotel - or sometime like that as we've crossed another timezone, soft matresses were very welcome, as was the warm-ish shower this morning and a bit of room to sort out bags and damp stuff. Crossing the border into Romania a smiley chap came and checked our passports and laughed at a good few of them. Saw the first of many horse drawn carts battling with trucks on the roads and got off the motorways into the slow hilly roads which we crawl up. Friendly Irish/Romanian chap offered to show us the way through a town even though the road signs pointed the right way anyway. Started to wonder if we'd be lead off to a dark track and mugged but 23 of us on 3 of them sounded good odds so wasn't too fussed, after an hour or so they pulled off and waved goodbye so they were nice after all! Rained again on the way in, we seem to be dragging it around with us.

Bright sunshine this morning though, sandals were brought out at last and we strolled up to Vlad Tepes aka Dracula's old house. He was the nice chap who liked to impale his enemies on wooden spikes through the spine so they took about 48 hours to die - lovely. Got given a guided tour around various places by a chap Sam got talking to in the bar last night, went up a clock tower, saw some more instuments of torture - not as good as the Prague ones though - and had lunch for less than 4 quid. Brilliant!

Off for pizza later which should be equally cheap,a few drinks then off to bush camp near Draculas castle tomorrow, hopefully be able to have a campfire out in the middle of nowhere.

Apologies for any smelling pisstakes, this keyboard is possibly the most useless I have ever used. On the plus side there is a rather exciting Russian sounding tune on the stereo at the moment.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


The map of where your going is amazing! Just imagine how many times you could get lost!

Now that I have found your blog it's good to hear how things are going and to make a few comments of my own! so..

Who the hell came up with the name Penelope for the truck???

How many t-shirts did you pack in the end? - 3 or 4?

And have you found drunk and lost it again?

Alls good back here, I'm suffering from an all day drinking session in Bristol yesterday and somehow having a severley bruised finger!

Looking forward to reading the rest of your blog!

Mike xx