Thursday 17 April 2008

Nous sons ici!

Or should that be Wier sind hier?

Only on day 3 and having a fantastic time - the people I hadn't already met are great, everyone else packed just as much as I had and our first stop in France was to stock up on alcohol! Sun has been shining ever since we left, had an ice cream walking into town this morning, went to a chocolate factory (free samples very much lacking unfortunately) and then sat outside and had pizza (not sure how scarce they'll be later on so making the most of it!). Off to a traditional German place later for food and beer so that should cover todays dose of culture. Hoping to get up the Dom cathedral spire for sunset too.

Food on the truck has so far been brilliant though I have warned people to wait until I start having anything to do with it! Off to Bamberg tomorrow, will update this sometime soon...

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